If you really must contact me (I strongly advise that you don’t), e-mail me at info (AT) You can find my publications and oh-so important h-index and citations on my Google Scholar page. I also have an ORCID. You should, too.
I’ve been on Twitter a lot too, just like all the other angry people out there shaking their fists at the rest of the Internet and screaming into the void: follow me on @robinnkok.
If you want to contact me, please use this form:
Note that I do NOT have pages on:
- (deleted it)
- Publons (deleted it)
- Pubpeer (never had one)
- ResearcherID (deleted it)
- Researchgate (got tired of the incessant spam and deleted it)
…So there’s no point in trying to contact me there. Any profile with my name you find there will NOT be me.
I can hardly find the time to update this homepage, let alone 5+ wildly differing sites all of which eagerly sell my data just so spammers can send me even more spam.