Here’s a list of my current and upcoming publications. Updated quite infrequently.
You can also check my Google Scholar profile.
My ORCID should be mostly up-to-date: 0000-0001-9845-282X
“Full list” of academic publications
excluding the ones I forgot. Look, I have stuff to do.
Schmidt, T., Kok, R., Andersen, C. M., Skovbakke, S. J., Ahm, R., Wiil, U. K., Frostholm, L., & Pedersen, S. S. (2021). Development of an internet-delivered program and platform for the treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease in eMindYourHeart. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 46(2), 178–191.
Helmark, C., Ahm, R., Andersen, C. M., Skovbakke, S. J., Kok, R., Wiil, U. K., Schmidt, T., Hjelmborg, J., Frostholm, L., Frydendal, D. H., Hansen, T. B., Zwisler, A.-D., & Pedersen, S. S. (2021). Internet-based treatment of anxiety and depression in patients with ischaemic heart disease attending cardiac rehabilitation: A feasibility study (eMindYourHeart). European Heart Journal – Digital Health, 2(2), 323–335.
Pedersen, S. S., Andersen, C. M., Ahm, R., Skovbakke, S. J., Kok, R., Helmark, C., Wiil, U. K., Schmidt, T., Olsen, K. R., Hjelmborg, J., Zwisler, A.-D., & Frostholm, L. (2021). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a therapist-assisted web-based intervention for depression and anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease attending cardiac rehabilitation [eMindYourHeart trial]: A randomised controlled trial protocol. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 21(1), 20.
Donker, T., van Klaveren, C., Cornelisz, I., Kok, R. N., & van Gelder, J.-L. (2020). Analysis of Usage Data from a Self-guided App-Based Virtual Reality Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Acrophobia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(6), 1614.
Romijn, G., Batelaan, N., Kok, R. N., Koning, J., van Balkom, A., Titov, N., & Riper, H. (2019). Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in Open Community Versus Clinical Service Recruitment: Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(4), e11706.
van der Wal, C.N., & Kok, R. N. (2019). Laughter-inducing therapies: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 232, 473–488.
Dokkedahl, S., Kok, R. N., Murphy, S., Rønde Kristensen, T., Bech-Hansen, D., & Elklit, A. (2019). The Psychological Subtype of Intimate Partner Violence and its Effect on Mental Health: Protocol for A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Systematic Reviews, 8(1), 1–10.
Kidholm, K., Kok, R. N., & Yderstræde, K. B. (2018). Gode råd til digitalisering af det danske sundhedsvæsen. Ugeskriftet for Læger, 6.
Frydensberg, V. S., Skovbakke, S. J., Pedersen, S. S., & Kok, R. N. (2018). Body image concerns in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator: A scoping review. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 41(9), 1235–1260. [pre-print]
Cristea, I. A., Kok, R. N., & Cuijpers, P. (2018). Persistent double standards in evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive bias modification. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79(3), 344–345 (2018).
Kok, R. N. (2018). My long-awaited and deeply disappointing dissertation: Internet-based treatment of phobias in outpatient clinics. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Available in VU’s repository here.
Kok, R. N., Beekman, A. T. F., Cuijpers, P., & van Straten, A. (2017). Adherence to a web-based pre-treatment for phobias in outpatient clinics. Internet Interventions, 9, 38–45.
Cristea, I. A., Kok, R. N., & Cuijpers, P. (2017). Invited commentary on … Confusing procedures with process in cognitive bias modification research†. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 211(5), 272–273.
Kolovos, S., Kenter, R. M. F., Bosmans, J. E., Beekman, A. T. F., Cuijpers, P., Kok, R. N., & van Straten, A. (2016). Economic evaluation of Internet-based problem-solving guided self-help treatment in comparison with enhanced usual care for depressed outpatients waiting for face-to-face treatment: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 200, 284–292.
Cristea, I. A., Kok, R. N., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). The Effectiveness of Cognitive Bias Modification Interventions for Substance Addictions: A Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE, 11(9), e0162226.
2015 and before
Cristea, I. A., Kok, R. N., & Cuijpers, P. (2015). The efficacy of cognitive bias modification interventions in anxiety and depression: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 206(1), 7–16. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.146761 Fulltext link (paywalled). PMID:25561486
Ruwaard, J. J., & Kok, R. N. (2015). Wild West eHealth: Time to Hold our Horses? The European Health Psychologist, 17(1), 45–49.
Koning, J., & Kok, R. N. (2015). E-health in de GGZ niet per definitie doelmatig. Medisch Contact, 70(23), 1118–1121. Free access here.
Romijn, G., Riper, H., Kok, R. N., Donker, T., Goorden, M., Hakkaart-van Roijen, L., … Koning, J. (2015). Cost-effectiveness of blended vs. face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy for severe anxiety disorders: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 15(1), 311.
Coyne, J. C., & Kok, R. N. (2014). Salvaging psychotherapy research: a manifesto. Journal of Evidence Based Psychotherapies, 14(2), 105–124. Download link. Researchgate link. Fulltext link. Invited commentary 1: Bruce Thyer. Invited commentary 2: Ed Klonsky. Invited commentary 3: Eileen Gambrill.
Kok, R. N., van Straten, A., Beekman, A. T. F., de Neef, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2014). Short-term effectiveness of web-based guided self-help for phobic outpatients: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16(10), e226. doi:10.2196/jmir.3429. Free fulltext link. PMID:25266929
Seekles, W. M., Cuijpers, P., Kok, R. N., Beekman, A. T. F., van Marwijk, H. W. J., & van Straten, A. (2013). Psychological treatment of anxiety in primary care: a meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 43(2), 351–61. doi:10.1017/S0033291712000670. Fulltext link (paywalled). PMID:22717105
Kelders, S. M., Kok, R. N., Ossebaard, H. C., & Van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. (2012). Persuasive system design does matter: a systematic review of adherence to web-based interventions. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(6), e152. doi:10.2196/jmir.2104. Free fulltext link. PMID:23151820
Kok, R. N., van Straten, A., Beekman, A. T. F., Bosmans, J. E., de Neef, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2012). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of web-based treatment for phobic outpatients on a waiting list for psychotherapy: protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 12(1), 131. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-12-131. Free fulltext link. PMID:22937959
Kelders, S. M., Kok, R. N., & Van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. (2011). Technology and adherence in web-based interventions for weight control. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Persuasive Technology Persuasive Technology and Design: Enhancing Sustainability and Health – PERSUASIVE ’11 (pp. 1–8). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2467803.2467806. Link
Kok, R. N. (2010). Doelgroeponderzoek University of Twente. Master’s thesis. Download link
Kok, R. N. (2008). Risk perception of UMTS and particulate matter in two comparable Dutch municipalities. University of Twente. Bachelor’s thesis. Download link